Maldives Development Update (April 2021): A Digital Dawn

Authors for the special focus topic (Part B) on digital development: Gohar Malumyan, Junko Narimatsu and Pui Shen Yoong, with guidance from Siddhartha Raja and Fernando Im.

Case Study Ookla Digital Development

Is El Salvador's health care system ready for telemedicine?

The World Bank’s Digital Economy for Latin America (DE4LAC) initiative leveraged data from Ookla for Good™ to analyze El Salvador’s telecommunication network to understand to what extent the national healthcare system could leverage the existing digital infrastructure and develop e-health applications.

Case Study Ookla Health

Why We Should Accelerate the Use of Digital Technologies in Africa

As Africa’s population grows, digital technologies are becoming increasingly important for the continent’s economic transformation and job creation.

Case Study Ookla Digital Development

Reaching Digital Deserts – Extending Access to Broadband Has Never Been So Important

The internet is crucial for us to access information, services, job opportunities, education, and more. However, while urban communities flourish in the online world, many rural communities have been left behind when it comes to ensuring fast and reliable internet access.

Case Study Ookla Digital Development

For Reduced Exposure to COVID-19, the Quality of Your Internet Matters

During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, governments-imposed movement restrictions to curb the spread of the disease.

Meta Ookla COVID-19 Health Digital Development

Digitalization and Resilience to COVID-19 Shocks: Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa

Challenge The COVID-19 pandemic has brought major disruption to economic activities and human welfare across the world.

Ookla Digital Development

The Effect of COVID-19 Lockdown Measures on Internet Speed

COVID-19 and the related lockdown measures to prevent the virus’ spread have highlighted how important it is for everyone to have access to reliable and resilient digital infrastructure.

Ookla Digital Development COVID-19

Estimating High-speed Broadband Coverage in Ukraine

Challenge Ukraine, Europe’s biggest country, has over 1,192 operators and providers, of which close to three quarters operate under a special preferential tax regime, allowing them not to report their coverage/subscription data to the national telecom regulatory authority.

Ookla Digital Development