How Digitalization Can Enhance Economic Resilience

The COVID-19 crisis has opened deep economic scars, leading to significant output losses. Can digitalization improve economic resilience to shocks such as the pandemic?

Case Study LinkedIn Digital Development Jobs and Development

Using Mobility Data to Improve Lives in Lima

Improving traffic flow and enhancing road safety are critical to Lima which was ranked the fourth most congested metropolitan area in the world in 2022.

Case Study Mapbox Veraset Waze Urban Development Transport

Assessing Traffic Congestion and Accessibility to Jobs Using Waze for Cities and Mapbox Data

Traffic congestion and suburbanization are becoming increasingly significant factors affecting urban mobility and limiting access to jobs and opportunities in most mid-sized cities worldwide.

Case Study Mapbox Waze Urban Development Transport

Assessing Digital Transformation in Firms in Latin America and the Caribbean

Are firms in Latin America and the Caribbean lagging in terms of their adoption of digital technologies?

Case Study LinkedIn Jobs and Development

Analyzing Digital Skills Gap in MENA Countries to Inform An Upskilling Initiative

Digital technologies are reshaping work and traditional jobs. It is essential for workers across all sectors to acquire and strengthen their digital skills to stay competitive in the job market.

Case Study LinkedIn Jobs and Development

Inferring COVID-19 Vaccine Attitudes from X

Social media has become a platform for the public to openly advocate and express their opinions on various issues including health.

Case Study X Health COVID-19

Understanding Informal Trade Dynamics in Benin

Benin’s trade performance has been improving gradually in the past decade. Notably, informal trade, smuggling and small-scale cross border trade (SSCBT) are part of the large unrecorded trade dynamics in this African country.

Case Study Outlogic Inequality and Shared Prosperity

Understanding the Economic Impact of Vaccination

The World Bank East Asia and the Pacific Economic Update April 2022 analyzed challenges and opportunities facing the East Asia and the Pacific (EAP) region.

Case Study Meta Health

Maldives Development Update (April 2021): A Digital Dawn

Authors for the special focus topic (Part B) on digital development: Gohar Malumyan, Junko Narimatsu and Pui Shen Yoong, with guidance from Siddhartha Raja and Fernando Im.

Case Study Ookla Digital Development

Is El Salvador's health care system ready for telemedicine?

The World Bank’s Digital Economy for Latin America (DE4LAC) initiative leveraged data from Ookla for Good™ to analyze El Salvador’s telecommunication network to understand to what extent the national healthcare system could leverage the existing digital infrastructure and develop e-health applications.

Case Study Ookla Health

LinkedIn Data Reveals How Labor Markets Have Been Changing in Latin America and the Caribbean Since the Pandemic

Despite the devastating economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, labor markets in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) are on the verge of recovery.

Case Study LinkedIn Jobs and Development

Analyzing the Evolution of Telework Adoption in Latin America and the Caribbean

Due to the COVID pandemic, the use of telework increased rapidly in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) region, as it did globally.

Case Study LinkedIn Jobs and Development

How Big Data and Machine Learning Can Strengthen Road Safety

High-quality and reliable data is necessary to gain useful, actionable insights and enhance road safety conditions.

Case Study Mapbox Mapillary Waze Transport

Why We Should Accelerate the Use of Digital Technologies in Africa

As Africa’s population grows, digital technologies are becoming increasingly important for the continent’s economic transformation and job creation.

Case Study Ookla Digital Development

Reaching Digital Deserts – Extending Access to Broadband Has Never Been So Important

The internet is crucial for us to access information, services, job opportunities, education, and more. However, while urban communities flourish in the online world, many rural communities have been left behind when it comes to ensuring fast and reliable internet access.

Case Study Ookla Digital Development

The Effects of City Growth on Traffic and Urban Mobility

The Romanian city of Cluj-Napoca has been deeply affected by urban sprawl, which has strained the city’s traffic system and caused increased congestion on roadways.

Case Study Waze Disaster Risk Management Transport

Social Norms and Gender Equality in South Asia

This blog highlights recent work from a larger body of research on gender equality carried out at the World Bank.

Case Study Meta Gender

Buenos Aires Transport Demand Planning

Challenge The COVID-19 pandemic and the lockdown measures implemented in 2020 had a significant impact on mobility in the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires (AMBA), adding new constrains to the travel behaviours of residents and businesses.

Case Study Waze Transport Urban Development

Where Did Everyone Go? Potential of Digital Movement Data for Natural Hazards Management

Every September 19th since the great earthquake of 1985, Mexico City conducts a major drill: people filing out of buildings in an orderly fashion.

Case Study Cuebiq Disaster Risk Management

A Data-Driven Framework to Support Bogota’s Barrios Vitales Project

A data-driven framework to support the design, implementation, and evaluation of a superblock model in Bogotá from a speed management perspective and inform street design alternatives in the urban space.

Case Study Waze Unacast Mapbox Transport

Communicating for Health: How Did Indians Get Informed about COVID-19 during the Pandemic?

The COVID-19 pandemic saw an unprecedented amount of scientific information disseminated: throughout 2020, 11 research articles on COVID-19 were published every hour.

Case Study Meta Health COVID-19 Health

Understanding Societal Responses to Policies Undertaken During Emergencies: Lessons from COVID-19’s Second Wave in Maharashtra

Maharashtra, one of the wealthiest states in India, was among the worst hit by COVID-19, registering nearly 140,000 COVID-19 deaths since the start of the pandemic.

Case Study Outlogic SpaceKnow Health Disaster Risk Management Urban Development COVID-19