Empowering Female Entrepreneurs to Cross Over into Male-Dominated Sectors

Female entrepreneurship is on the rise globally. However, factors such as social norms and unconscious biases are holding women back from entering more profitable male-dominated sectors.

Meta Gender Jobs and Development

Green Jobs for Women and Diverse Groups Help Promote Equality and Climate Resilience

The role of women and diverse populations, including indigenous peoples, persons of African descent, persons with disabilities, and LGBTQ+ persons, is crucial in driving the decarbonization process and developing climate change resilience strategies.

LinkedIn Climate Change Jobs and Development Gender

Social Norms and Gender Equality in South Asia

This blog highlights recent work from a larger body of research on gender equality carried out at the World Bank.

Case Study Meta Gender

Tackling the Global Profitarchy–Gender and the Choice of Business Sector

Challenge: Despite significant progress in women’s educational attainment and higher female labor force participation rates in many countries, progress in closing the gender pay gap, which takes the ratio of median earnings of all women to all men, has been slow.

Meta Gender Jobs and Development