How Digitalization Can Enhance Economic Resilience

The COVID-19 crisis has opened deep economic scars, leading to significant output losses. Can digitalization improve economic resilience to shocks such as the pandemic?

Case Study LinkedIn Digital Development Jobs and Development

Assessing Digital Transformation in Firms in Latin America and the Caribbean

Are firms in Latin America and the Caribbean lagging in terms of their adoption of digital technologies?

Case Study LinkedIn Jobs and Development

Analyzing Digital Skills Gap in MENA Countries to Inform An Upskilling Initiative

Digital technologies are reshaping work and traditional jobs. It is essential for workers across all sectors to acquire and strengthen their digital skills to stay competitive in the job market.

Case Study LinkedIn Jobs and Development

LinkedIn Data Reveals How Labor Markets Have Been Changing in Latin America and the Caribbean Since the Pandemic

Despite the devastating economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, labor markets in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) are on the verge of recovery.

Case Study LinkedIn Jobs and Development

Analyzing the Evolution of Telework Adoption in Latin America and the Caribbean

Due to the COVID pandemic, the use of telework increased rapidly in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) region, as it did globally.

Case Study LinkedIn Jobs and Development

Green Jobs for Women and Diverse Groups Help Promote Equality and Climate Resilience

The role of women and diverse populations, including indigenous peoples, persons of African descent, persons with disabilities, and LGBTQ+ persons, is crucial in driving the decarbonization process and developing climate change resilience strategies.

LinkedIn Climate Change Jobs and Development Gender

Understanding the Post COVID-19 Labor Market in Latin America and the Caribbean

Challenge The Covid-19 Labor Markets Observatory, managed by the Inter-American Development Bank Labor Markets Division, aimed to understand how COVID-19 has affected labor markets in Latin America and the Caribbean.

LinkedIn Jobs and Development COVID-19